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The restaurant industry is changing. Rapidly.

Issues like labor scarcity, rising wages, evolving customer expectations, and the rise of off-premise and third-party delivery are driving foodservice into unchartered territory.

Instrumental to most of this transformation, is technology.

It’s impossible to have conversations about the evolution of the restaurant and the role it will play in our future without also talking about the huge impact emerging technologies will continue to have on every aspect of the industry.

Whether we like it or not, the restaurant business is changing. And that means RestaurantSpaces needs to change with it. 

So… what will be different?

For our fourth annual RestaurantSpaces (March 1-3, Pasadena, CA), we won’t just be exploring the design and development of physical restaurants. In 2020, we will also be expanding to examine the massive role technology will play in the industry’s future.

To this end, we will be building upon our tried and tested formula. The success of RestaurantSpaces has always rested upon three pillars: innovative content, strategic sourcing, and memorable networking. Here’s how we’ll be upgrading our model to help further this wonderful industry.

Innovative Content

As we have done in the past, our mainstage will feature thought-provoking talks and discussions with the brightest minds in the business. However, for the first time, our breakout sessions will be split into tracks around restaurant development + design OR technology. Attendees will have the opportunity to choose which track they’d like to be a part of, depending on what’s most relevant to them.

Strategic Sourcing

RestaurantSpaces is known for its ability to facilitate genuine connections between leading restaurant chains and a diverse mix of vendors. Through our proprietary app, attendees can schedule one-on-one time with the companies that best suit their needs. In 2020, expect to see an influx of technology companies we’ve not yet welcomed to RestaurantSpaces. Digital kiosks, back-of-house automation, productivity software, payment systems, delivery solutions, AI, you name it, they’ll be there.

Unforgettable Networking

While some things change, some things stay the same. What makes RestaurantSpaces truly special is its laid back setting — an environment conducive to open, candid conversations. We believe progress can’t happen when we take ourselves too seriously. Our networking excursions and receptions help break down barriers and create lasting relationships.

Be the Change. Be a part of RestaurantSpaces 2020.

At influence group, we’re fixated on bringing people together in the hope they can share ideas, inspire one another, and collaborate in order to build a future not yet imagined. In evolving RestaurantSpaces, we hope to connect areas of the industry that, in many cases, may have worked in silos. 

Change can be difficult. But it’s absolutely necessary. Moreover, it will happen with or without you. We’re thrilled at the prospect of you kicking off a decade of unprecedented disruption with us, at RestaurantSpaces.

Stay tuned for the initial program and lineup coming later this month...

In the meantime, request an invite today. 😉

Michael P. Owens

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Michael P. Owens is Co-Founder + Managing Partner of influence group, a leading producer of invite-only B2B events.

Chain Restaurants Reimagined.

The Retreat to Reimagine Restaurant Development, Design + Technology.
April 6-8, 2025 | Palm Beach, FL

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